Empowering sake brewers around the

Supporting education and innovation.

“Knowledge must be free”

We believe that information should be accessible to everyone and not behind a paywall. This philosophy has been the core reason our membership has grown steadily over the years and has attracted people from all over the world to join daily discord discussions, participate in our weekly zoom meetings, and contribute materials to help fulfill our goals.

An old adage states, “A rising tide raises all ships”. Please impart your experience, talents, and resources as well so we may all continue to rise.

Weekly Brewer Discussions

We meet at least once a week and discuss various topics from koji growing to pasteurization. If you are having technical issues, we are also happy to help. The format usually has about 1 hour of dedicated time to a specific topic and then general topics go on until we decide to end the call.

Please do not hesitate to join because you are “too inexperienced”. This call has everyone from those starting their first batch to commercial brewers from around the world. We’ve been running them for years and learn something every time. Also, where else can you hangout with a bunch of sake brewers?

Join the Discord to chat in a more asynchronous environment. We have lots of message history you can search through as well. Ask questions! There’s a good chance you are not the only one who is curious to know the answer.

Upcoming Zoom Calls

Providing Materials for Learning

Sake Brewing is extremely difficult to master and when most of the materials are written in Japanese or reference non-standard forms of fermentation, confusion can occur easily.

We have put a large effort toward translating, summarizing, and adding context to the material so you can get started right away. We’ll show you what the professional equipment looks like in the international brew house and also what you can use at home with helpful links to Amazon’s marketplace or to other places you can buy supplies.

You’ll also find google docs and worksheets that have been designed to help you plan, track, and adjust your ferments.

The Long Road Ahead

Our organization is focused purely on the support of training materials and knowledge sharing for the production of koji and sake. Our membership and meetings are attended by brewers and others interested in learning how to get started, troubleshoot issues, and geek out about multiple-parallel-fermentation.

In addition to the difficulties in simply learning how to produce quality sake, there are plenty of other challenges we need to overcome:

  • Accessing affordable equipment, especially for home-brewers.

  • Consumer Education

  • Build consensus between tradition and innovation, attempting to unite exporter expectations with local producer challenges.